Things I am Thinking About Right Now...

  • 1. Finally Updated; A busy ( and not-so-birdy fall ) fall
  • 2. A smew in Ontario ??? And I got to see it !
  • 3. Thinking about summer vacation...
  • 4. And Sping trips too !
  • 5. Quite a few Winter rarities around. May try to add a few more to the list
  • 6. Still no snow on the ground...
  • 7. Project FeederWatch is going strong. Two eports submitted...
  • 8. I think I have convinced my wife to visit Cape May next summer !
  • 9. The Elephant Pepper Development Trust ( Check out their site ! )
  • 10. Tying to decide how to spend my remaining gift certificates !

Wednesday 16 March 2011

A Weekend in Windsor

A trip to Windsor is usually an opportunity to hit the nearby parks and look for birds. Point Pelee, Ojibway, Lake St. Clair et al are among the hotspots for migrant birds, as well as resident birds that are difficult to find in Canada; mostly southern species that are at the extreme north of their range in the southernmost area of Canada. This weekend, however, was more social than bird-related...I ( and the rest of the family ) will be back in the area later in the spring when migration really kicks into gear.

However, the early signs of spring were noticeable. RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS were singing. THE SON was amused by three vocal KILLDEER. RED-TAILED HAWKS were everywhere along the 401 and I have my first COOPER'S HAWK sighting of the year.

Can't wait to go back !

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